There was Daedalus update, try download latest version from site.
Apa8321301955 activity
Apa8321301955 commented on did you do a transaction recently? how about now?
He must been talking about Sundaeswap scooping service, it's partly centralized and slowed things down. I never had transaction taking more than 5 hours max on cardano. I remember sometime waiting 2 days for transaction to complete on Ethereum. ?
Apa8321301955 commented on I’m having some issues connecting to muesliswap with my ledger through gero wallet. Has anyone here been able to do that ?
I don't know about gero, but ledger+nami wont work with smartcontracts
Apa8321301955 commented on I'm a little late to the party but just want to confirm that Sundaeswap is pretty much completely unusuable right now, correct?
It says they processing orders from 1 day ago.. there might be some delays, should go to their discord.. or just use Musliswap
Apa8321301955 commented on Hello. I want to ask about minswap. Can I ask in this forum ? Their twitter said minswap will be on testnet @25Jan. But I could see the MINt token listed already at sundaeswap dex. So is it tradeable right now ?
Just go to Musliswap to get MIN and MINt ?