2 Bar491495196c/elrondTRADER 3years ago When you want to claim your mex does that pop up in your ELrond wallet or do you have to go to the staking partner to get those?
3 Bar491495196c/elrondTRADER 3years ago What does this 15% fee mean? what is that over? Do they take 15% of my APR?
1 Bar491495196c/elrondTRADER 3years ago but filled 99,9 % ? and much l?wer rewards that all the others... i guiess i am late to the party?
1 Bar491495196c/elrondTRADER 3years ago My EGLD in my elond wallet now is under legacy delegations... What is the best thing to do now in order to receive interest as well as the mex tokens?