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Ber4705965175 activity

Ber4705965175 commented on Hey Berndt, a bit late but congratulations to you and Yvo on joining the team! I've got a couple of questions, but they're rather trivial. First, Yvo joins as Head of Corporate Office. What does his work focus on? I assume primarily to keep in contact and engage with third parties looking to build/... Read more

Hey Hein! Thanks for the questions. I will ask Yvo to reply that would be best I suppose, so he can Highlight his own work area. He will be working on a mixture of activities as mentioned in the press release. But a deepdive by Yvo will be best. I will ask him to come back to that. Ok for you? Concerning merch, yes :) we will add the store (hoodies, caps) to our new upcoming website. The new website will be scheduled to be launched in January / Feb.