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Cla617488639 activity

Cla617488639 commented on Salutare, am un amic care și a făcut cont pe Maiar app când a apărut dar nu a salvat fraza secreta! Și a șters după aplicația acuma ar vrea sa își facă wallet nou! Poate cumva să fie deblocat nr sau ceva de genu asta?

eu stiam ca daca dai unlink la wallet pe un telefon si dupa ii dai link pe alt telefon iti schimba numarul din Maiar automat. Nu se aplica si cand iti faci cont nou? Nu il lasa sa isi faca cont cu acelasi numar cand incearca? sau spune aplicatia ca numarul e deja folosit?

Cla617488639 commented on This must be coming from a 100% professional that has never been late to anything in his life, right? Also from someone that knows programming/Blockchain technology inside out and knows that it's an exact science where there isn't much to do, you just type some code and it works like intended. Right... Read more

Right, they are doing that.. they should know the time.. not saying "we will be back with updates in 4-5h" and after that never send updates.. they should say "15h for update" not "5h". all the time they do this.. is not only this time.