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Dan8629863249 activity
Dan8629863249 commented on Am inteles. Deci pt ca a retras in Binance a putut fi gasit si obligat sa returneze fondurile trimise acolo. Dar cum ramane cu cele 6 milionae de dolari pe care i-a scos prin bridge pe erc20? Cine si cum l-ar putea obliga vreodată sa returneze acei bani?
Nu, era vorba de cel care a furat, nu de cei care au cumpărat normal
Dan8629863249 commented on What is your problem??? Isn't this a PRICE DISCUSSION group??? Why are you banning people for their opinions???
The guy that you banned didn't compare egld to luna, he just meant that a clever trader should take advantage of any opportunity. What is wrong with that??
Dan8629863249 commented on Did you say something?
So there are also clever guys here! Well done! ????????????