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Dus431801591 activity

Dus431801591 commented on Cool. Is there a rough timeline when it will get distributed?

After the private is conducted we will deploy a smart contract which will vest allocations second by second. What this means in practice is that at any point a token investor wanted to release their tokens, they can make a call on the smart contract and then will have access to the total number of tokens that will have vested at that second. As an example: after the lockup, tokens will be vested over 31,536,000 seconds (365 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds). If they did it at exactly 6 months, they would receive half. If they did it at 1 day, then 10 days, then 57 days, and then every 3 weeks; they would receive the relevant whole tokens (rounded down) at each specific second.

Dus431801591 commented on when was your ico?

The private sale is still ongoing now. If you are interested you can email pledge@dusk.network with your desired allocation and what strategic value you can bring to the project. The minimum investment is 100 ETH. There is no crowdsale stage for Dusk.