2 HDa558937129c/DuskNetwork 2years ago The analogy is irrelevant to the broader point. The FIOD statement is vague at best and can be interpreted in many ways. Check this part of the text: " It is suspected that persons behind this organisation have made large-scale profits from these transactions." Does this suggest that IF you make ... Read more
1 HDa558937129c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Does a L2 solving all the developer experience/ergonomics make the L1 viable from a legal perspective? ERC20 doesn't come with explicit acceptance. Most of them get bridged into L2s, still holding visible links to pseudonymous accounts on entrance and exits, even if the L2 has asset transfer privac... Read more
1 HDa558937129c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Hey Berndt, a bit late but congratulations to you and Yvo on joining the team! I've got a couple of questions, but they're rather trivial. First, Yvo joins as Head of Corporate Office. What does his work focus on? I assume primarily to keep in contact and engage with third parties looking to build/... Read more
1 HDa558937129c/DuskNetwork 2years ago What if the assessment is based off of actual measurable factors and not feelings or superficial data points? Would it still be pessimistic in that case or an educated estimate?