Not an option at this point. Perhaps mainnet
JAG578903517 activity
JAG578903517 commented on Hello there How do I choose a trusted stacking pool to give me a high income??
Have a look at these community tools that have been created to monitor pools.
JAG578903517 commented on So can I say that the EPOCH is a time period for 5 days?? An epoch in the testnet is 24 hours. There could be a maximum of 4320 blocks created but varies depending on performance of stake pools.
JAG578903517 commented on What happened to daedalus.i can not connect from 10 days?
Being assured that you have your 15 word recovery mnemonic, delete Daedalus - Rewards v1 from appdata, uninstall from Daedalus - Rewards v1 from Program files, download and install the current version and restart.