1 Mal8562460208c/Cardano 2years ago The Berry pool couldn't help on that issue. Would you know of a way to contact the NAMI wallet developpers?
1 Mal8562460208c/Cardano 2years ago What happens when we pair a NAMI software wallet to a ledger key? Will it ask for the NAMI pwd or seed phr?
1 Mal8562460208c/Cardano 2years ago Are there known issues if we already paired a Nano X with Yoroi and we try to pair it with Eternl?
1 Mal8562460208c/Cardano 2years ago Ok, noted. Any suggestion for a good replacement? Is there something the community generally likes?
1 Mal8562460208c/Cardano 2years ago I never understood why Yoroi is so slow with so many interface issues. It's supposed to be a light wallet. When will Cardano have a decent wallet for us to work with?
1 Mal8562460208c/Cardano 2years ago Are you having problems in Yoroi where all your transactions show as FAILED?