1 Ora8452759804c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Would be possible for people to contribute to Testnet (bug bounties / task rewards) without running a node?
1 Ora8452759804c/DuskNetwork 2years ago In the kindest and most extreme example possible... If staking ended and you had all your DUSK in your Binance wallet, if DUSK shot up to $50, would you sell any DUSK? If there was still staking with a 2 week unbonding period, and DUSK shot up to $50 but there was a chance it would dump all the wa... Read more
1 Ora8452759804c/DuskNetwork 2years ago And you know for a fact the attitude of every single person in the staking contract?
1 Ora8452759804c/DuskNetwork 2years ago It doesn't take a genius to come up with that conclusion, no?
1 Ora8452759804c/DuskNetwork 2years ago So, if you make private transactions on a testnet, they're classified as public?
1 Ora8452759804c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Do you really want me to send your DMs here with you perma insulting me?
1 Ora8452759804c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Are there issues blocking that atm or does it still need to be developed?
1 Ora8452759804c/DuskNetwork 2years ago "zks require you to trust one node with full state" is this the situation with Dusk too?
1 Ora8452759804c/DuskNetwork 2years ago @autholykos what do you think a "decentralised stablecoin" should be collateralised by?
2 Ora8452759804c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Hey @autholykos, Justin has made some criticisms of the UTXO model for a smart contract platform. https://twitter.com/Justin_Bons/status/1522917530104336385?t=iVDluDQsHkvh8yIxfVHbmA&s=19 I was wondering if any of these applied to Dusk Network?
1 Ora8452759804c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Guys, does anyone in the entire process of making a transaction / interacting with a contract see what you're doing?
0 Ora8452759804c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Does anyone know if there is any documentation on private tx's on Dusk?
1 Ora8452759804c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Hein, if it is WASM-based, would you be better off trying to fork an AMM from a WASM-based chain?
2 Ora8452759804c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Guys, do we have any idea when smart contracts may start to come onto the Testnet?
2 Ora8452759804c/DuskNetwork 3years ago @toghrulmaharramov have you heard of Layer-Zero? The bridging protocol in development?