1 Pat8813417462c/elrondTRADER 2years ago Understood. But BTC is up 0.26%, EGLD down 3.13%, right after "good news" for the EGLD ecosystem. I'm just wondering if I'm missing something. Is the bridge working? Any issues?
4 Pat8813417462c/elrondTRADER 2years ago Why is EGLD price sucking wee wee after the bridge announcement?
1 Pat8813417462c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago Also... If I move my EGLD/LKMEX LP to another wallet, will the fees generated for my LP go with it? Meaning.... The fees I earn for my LP, are the fees tied specifically to my LP tokens?
1 Pat8813417462c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago Ok. Does the metabonding farm only accept LKMEX, or MEX too?
1 Pat8813417462c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago So, we need to take our LKMEX out of other farms, and place it into the Metabonding farms? I thought we could farm in both?
1 Pat8813417462c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago But, if I decide to stake my elrond wallet egld, I will need to unstake TODAY to be able to stake in MEX on day one, correct?
3 Pat8813417462c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago What about buy/sell/swap flexibility? Will the Maiar DEX bring that flexibility to the Elrond Wallet?