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Pla666335407 activity

Pla666335407 commented on Its a very serious matter ...that means this scammers are present in this group and they target those who are technically noob or else gow he send me a message immediately after i post my query here ?

We all have to remain vigilant. If anybody messages you in PM then they're nearly always a scammer. Best thing to do it treat everybody who messages you first in PM as a scammer unless you've first agreed to go into PM in this public chat first. But even then keep in your mind they could be a scammer

Pla666335407 commented on You do not like the way pools are rated and think they should be rated by some other method. What other method do you suggest? Do you think a pool with 100% uptime and 100k stake that has never created a block should be rated 100%?

It's a question of where you draw the line to make the statistics as fair to all as possible. At the moment any pool with sufficient stake to be given the chance to make at least 1x block per epoch benefits from the ability to be shown as having 100% performance in each epoch. Take that same pool, with the exact same setup, run in exactly the same way but it's a smaller pool so isn't as likely to win the chance to make a block in every epoch, but it's still making all of it's blocks successfully, and so it's resulting RoS will be exactly the same, and suddenly that 100% performance pool will be advertised as having 0% performance. Exactly the same pool, exactly the same setup, exactly the same RoS %, but the lower stake pool appears less attractive as it is advertised as having lower performance. The line has to be drawn somewhere, but I do feel that it can be drawn in a better place to benefit a greater number of pools.