1 Pun8642102248c/DuskNetwork 2years ago yeah actually, what way will the rewards be delivered? Pre-staking was easier to manage from a tax perspective because the rewards accumulated outside of your own wallet and so you only had to consider tax obligations once you transferred back to your own wallet. will ITN be just constantly added... Read more
1 Pun8642102248c/DuskNetwork 2years ago zk is maffs and its been around a good while too, do people just invent new maffs?
1 Pun8642102248c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Its hard to imagine etherum failing but if the US gov put the hammer to protocols that don't allow you to agree to accept something, how easy is it to change model?
1 Pun8642102248c/DuskNetwork 2years ago I wonder can we name our nodes, will there even be a point if others cant lease to it?
1 Pun8642102248c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Can you give examples of what it means to be capable of this vs basic private transactions? What does it allow for in dusk?
1 Pun8642102248c/DuskNetwork 2years ago What will this mean for the wallets used to hold native tokens to stake and support networks?
1 Pun8642102248c/DuskNetwork 2years ago The sharding would only make the finality of ethereum even worse though right?
1 Pun8642102248c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Robert see how yours says standard transaction type, do you know what the distribute one means?
1 Pun8642102248c/DuskNetwork 3years ago Are they still working on the deliverables timetable we were gonna get for dusk?
2 Pun8642102248c/DuskNetwork 3years ago Any idea why coinmarketcap and binance are saying dusk has a circulating supply of 500m?