You’ll get a percentage of 70,000 Ada based on your % weight of the vote
Ric595806764 activity
Ric595806764 commented on Can someone help? I restarted my Daedalus wallet and now my rewards disappeared. I tried restarting again but this did not help. Any ideas?
Try rebooting the computer. Sometimes a process get stuck in the background.
Ric595806764 commented on How are we supposed to test these things on HTN will each node come with a random pledge and stake generator built in?
fair point. Plus people make decisions a little differently when its not real money.
Ric595806764 commented on @RickMcCracken Hey Rick, what was your Stajepool called? And can you confirm the difference between who gets the profit margin and cost per epoch, what does the delegator get?
Stake pool is DIGI - Digital Fortress - the delegator gets the % reward based on their stake minus the % of a % of the pool fee.