0 Sev609932152c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago you do - all the fees are captured inside the pool and available proportional to the LP tokens getting burned when withdrawing liquidity. So once you deposit and get LP tokens, you get fees. But you will only get them when you burn the LP tokens. Makes sense?
1 Sev609932152c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago hey Wayne! great questions, and I think @costip is doing a great job replying so far! I would add a few things: "miniblocks" are just logical arrangements of transactions inside a block. They are important because a hash of the miniblocks is "notarized" (validated, attested) by the metachain. But... Read more
1 Sev609932152c/ElrondNetwork 4years ago btw @RUME00 are you guys looking at building a lower-end device, with e-ink instead of LCD, etc?