O will
Yos4601238050 activity
Yos4601238050 commented on 3EGLD is a monthly salary in Romania?
Andrei in loc sa ma iei retoric la intrebari ai putea sa ma ajuti in privinta asta.. pentru ce esti ADMIN? Doar sa stergi comentarii? INTELEGI CA NU POT SA RETRAG EGLD DE LA CARPATHIANS DUPA EXPIRAREA CELOR 10 ZILE? Imi arata 57 minute ramase de ore bune?
Yos4601238050 commented on 3EGLD is a monthly salary in Romania?
Cat e ma minim pe economie mancatias coitele
Yos4601238050 commented on do you have any other unstaked egld in your wallet?
Yes that has to do with anything? I have other EGLD IN MY WALLET
Yos4601238050 commented on In my maiar app I have a temporary loading issue? Did anyone see that before?
Same... i cannot retrieve my egld
Yos4601238050 commented on What that is it means, a several hours passed from those 10 days, and I cannot claim my stacked egld... How can I have the tokens back?
I asked in english, romanian, you want me to ask in all the world languages to get assisted? I cannot retrieve my EGLD back from Carpathians even the 10 days passed....the claim/ withdraw button is grey