1 Zer344686200c/Cardano 2years ago I thought Yoroi was but maybe I am mistaken ... is there really not one that has been properly vetted ?
1 Zer344686200c/Cardano 2years ago does anyone have thoughts on them only ipso'in for 5 epochs ? compared to most other projects length , and also considering the hype , that this is a pretty measly offering , no ?
1 Zer344686200c/Cardano 2years ago hmmmm.... ok . one more question . i staked some ada in the nerd sundae pool like 2 weeks back ... can i just add coins to that wallet ? how will i know if there is still room to add more coins ?
1 Zer344686200c/Cardano 2years ago i am wondering if anyone knows if it is still possible to stake for sundae ispo ?