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dan360251112 activity

dan360251112 commented on Many projects have problems with UI / UX and this one turns off new users. How do you plan to improve the interaction with new users and with users outside the crypto space?

Sure. As I said earlier, our team has been doing lots games and we have expericene in build great user experience. For HappyLand, as we see on our website stats, there are lots of users coming from Southeast Asia, Europe, and USA also. A single server wont be enough to get best user experience as there will be connections. To improve this, we are doing multiple servers/clusters each of which takes care of processing for users in the same region. For users outside of crypto, as we use an account/password model for playing game, this model is very similar to users outside of crypto. This makes HappyLand easy to onboard new users

dan360251112 commented on Is your platform suitable for Crypto beginners? Or does it only appeal to professional users?

Yes. Happyland is a metaverse platform, it is build upon the P2E model, or a farm 2 earn model. The tasks to commence playing Happyland is relatively simple, user simply need to have a metamask wallet, follow our simple instruction. If not, the community is always there to aid beginner on every step. With more experienced crypto user you can start earning and trading tokens to have unlimited income.

dan360251112 commented on hello everyone, I have been playing the HappyLand demo, it is really simple and interesting but i'm always worried about security! can you share to me and everyone knows about how HappyLand security?

Dont worry. HappyLand is built on a BSC a major and proven secured blockchain. Our token/ smart contract is audited and verified. We also have a bug bounty program, which encourages users to discover errors and flaws in the game.