1 emi8336092231c/ElrondNetwork_ro 2years ago Dar are omul comentariile închise pe YouTube sau de ce vreți sa comentati aici ? Știți ca se poate face asta și acolo, nu?
1 emi8336092231c/elrondTRADER 2years ago maybe are cheaper on bsc ? i remember that they sold some in there too ? before deciding to come here ?
2 emi8336092231c/elrondTRADER 2years ago @Behindthefacade How much was proteo in pre-sale ? on JEX you can only get 31 Proteo for 1 eGLD ?
2 emi8336092231c/elrondTRADER 2years ago You have been abusing on gifs for weeks now..can you please find anything interesting to write and not just flood us with shifty gifs all day ?
4 emi8336092231c/ElrondNetwork_ro 2years ago Și dacă am șters prostia ce a scris-o celalalt băiat..chiar crezi ca e necesar sa o mai scrii odată?
1 emi8336092231c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago oh poor you, bought a bag at small price and now you can't sell . It is so hard to wait for a few more hours.. i feel sorry for you.. should we send a few more egld to your adress ? to make up for the time lost ?
4 emi8336092231c/ElrondNetwork_ro 2years ago Eu am fost online tot timpul... oare sunt singurul care nici macar nu a incercat pt ca mi s-a parut ca ceva nu e ok ?
1 emi8336092231c/elrondTRADER 2years ago Why so early ser ? Not rich enough to sleep as long as you want ?
1 emi8336092231c/elrondTRADER 2years ago what the actual f.. you gave 29 egld away.. and i got none ?
1 emi8336092231c/ElrondNetwork_ro 2years ago Tu ai egld din price discovery de la itheum.. el are de astăzi din swap ..?
1 emi8336092231c/ElrondNetwork_ro 2years ago mie nu imi arata.. doar circulating supply si cantitea care inca nu este distribuita ... ?
1 emi8336092231c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago If we'll give you few more minutes you will be focused on btc next ?
1 emi8336092231c/elrondTRADER 2years ago who has that website that shows you how much your nfts are worth by their floor price ?
1 emi8336092231c/elrondTRADER 3years ago i understand that is not pokemon but polkamon.. is that the same thing ?
1 emi8336092231c/elrondTRADER 3years ago and you think that beeing rich ( taking back ur time, and doing only what you always wanted to do) will mean, that only good will happen ?
2 emi8336092231c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago in Germany, you can already see the moon up there.. where u at? can't you see it yet ?
1 emi8336092231c/elrondTRADER 3years ago Anyone here that has Chillz.. how long you guys think it will keep this uptrend ?