depinde de cine ce beneficiu vrei, eu de exemplu am schimbat niste tokeni in usdc si cand scade cumpar direct de pe dex usdc -> egld, nu aveam nevoie de ei in binance si mai bine sa ii tin eu 100%
fil851972485 activity
fil851972485 commented on Team said 1~2hours but now 4~5hours? Are you kidding?
1-2 hours for an update
fil851972485 commented on Elrond team - Any idea - why the APR dropped in EGLD-RIDE LP staking - with LKMEX rewards from 10K % to 4.7K % ? and NO LK MEX earned??? it's still showing $0 earned... So what's happening for those who staked the LP tokens at the beginning? We will be getting the LK MEX rewards for this period?
swaps are not enabled so rewards aren't too