2 guest093641631c/polkastarter 2years ago Does it have any limitations to the countries which can view your content?
1 guest093641631c/polkastarter 2years ago What is the amount of participants? When price of matic will be frozen for IDO?
1 guest093641631c/polkastarter 2years ago Hey guys, if my documents were accepted and I got letter about that on my email, is that fine that I still have status KYC OPEN for more then 10 hours?
2 guest093641631c/polkastarter 2years ago so if you have "unlucky" there is still chance to get a ticket?
1 guest093641631c/polkastarter 2years ago also is 600k$ goal for both Pols holders and wombat players or just for pols holders, wombat players are in other pool and have another goal?
1 guest093641631c/polkastarter 2years ago okay, thanks but in Wombat official TG channel I was told by admin that initial MC is 360k$ did they increase it?
1 guest093641631c/polkastarter 2years ago ye, I accidentally moved them to another wallet, if I put them back and staked my place in IDO is safe?
1 guest093641631c/polkastarter 2years ago okay, thanks but if I had won the IDO ticket I just need to have at least 250 pols power on the day of IDO, if I have moved my tokens to another wallet and back and lost my power for few hours it’s still okay?