/warn Keep it constructive.
guest623484248 activity
guest623484248 commented on Is it safe to back up wallet for testnet staking?
It is safe to recover your testnet funds with the Daedalus or Yoroi wallets if you use the official links. staking.cardano.org or yoroi-wallet.com
guest623484248 commented on There’s a reddit post regarding the code base for the testnet that it’s not up to the design specification. I’m assuming that’s normal and these things will be added prior to mainnet?
The difference is between the Rust client, Jormungandr and the Haskell client, cardano-sl.
guest623484248 commented on How many nodes are up and running?
Sorry, I thought you were talking about Liquid ;)
guest623484248 commented on How many nodes are up and running?
You have to email Blockstream and request that info
guest623484248 commented on what is support site for issues ?