jrx8739103938 activity
jrx8739103938 commented on Why binance does not accept LTC from MWEB function while depositing ZEC from sapling address (shield pool) is accepted ?
For convenience and adoption
jrx8739103938 commented on @coblee can lteicion price attain $2,000 in the future?
He doesn’t like to be tagged or to be asked about price targets I think. I think 4000 can happen, but you’ll have to wait at least 7 years.
jrx8739103938 commented on Why binance does not accept LTC from MWEB function while depositing ZEC from sapling address (shield pool) is accepted ?
Ask binance and share response here
jrx8739103938 commented on Is buying litecoin right now worth?
If you think the price is too low, then yes
jrx8739103938 commented on and you look down other ethnic people other than "your own color"?? please show respect to that, don't make it a "custom", okay ?
You don’t know my color mr scammer, and a nationality is not a color. And my friend from india says india has the best scammers. Nigerians might disagree.
jrx8739103938 commented on Should I be worried we are 50% down from ATH?
Lol we are 1/7th of ath. Buy the ducking fip
jrx8739103938 commented on Is it vimrus sjr?
no, and security guy like hel can run it in a virtual machine
jrx8739103938 commented on How do you sort a million integers 1 byte each?
how do you create a bearish sentiment in the litecoin group during an entire bull run?
jrx8739103938 commented on How does Charlie's ass taste?
like this, hel? i'm sure there are hundreds of examples like this in this group history
jrx8739103938 commented on Hey Charlie, you may give it a second try and sale at the top??
I think it’s better that he better keeps his investments private from this point, or the fud gang will blow things up again.
jrx8739103938 commented on Lies or truth, who cares, bro? Why are you interested?
because you only cause harm here
jrx8739103938 commented on U live in SF or Hawaii or sth?
Sounds like Monaco or some rich town like saint tropez or knokke to me lol
jrx8739103938 commented on is it normal to claim someone scammer without any proves ?
depends, if you have a south korean girl profile pic and only chat here with emojis
jrx8739103938 commented on @litecoin what wallet would you recommend for storing litecoin?
if you want it in mimblewimble your only option is the official litecoin core wallet
jrx8739103938 commented on Is this a good sign to buy lambo?
crypto is cheap, it is a good time to sell your lambo and buy crypto
jrx8739103938 commented on Ltc is dumping now. Am in profit. Do you think it will dump more?
Many will buy in at $400+. Plebs buy high and sell low
jrx8739103938 commented on Ok James, thanks. So the person would have to activate it before using it right?
you need to send your coins to an mweb address of yours first. that's called peg in. you can only do that with the litecoin core wallet today. then you'll have the privacy.
jrx8739103938 commented on Someone's been shot and your goal is to score petty political points?
i'm fishing to WHY he got shot
jrx8739103938 commented on What Litecoin PayPal Transactions!?
Paypal activated crypto exchange for us and uk customers
jrx8739103938 commented on where can i find the roadmap of ltc 2022? what are they focusing on 2022?
Check out mimblewimble and omnilite
jrx8739103938 commented on What happens if you send normal coins to a mweb address? Or a mweb coins to a non mweb address?
I think that’s called peg in/out
jrx8739103938 commented on how big is Upbit though ?
you mean, how small is upbit? i bet most people haven't even heard of upbit before they announced litecoin restrictions
jrx8739103938 commented on Where are your 5 up to 8 years come from?
Thin air. 2025 is next bull market as it goes in 4 year cycles. 3 years left!
jrx8739103938 commented on I learned to analyze in the process of investing, how about you?
I learned to analyse comments by bots and scammers
jrx8739103938 commented on It's small exchange i know, but what if large exchanges start delisting, then what?
that's one exchange halting litecoin trading until further notice. not really delisting it. what is the other exchange?
jrx8739103938 commented on Hi guys, question this website is scammer ?
of course it is a scam. the question is, is it your website to scam people here? you pasted the link here for thousands of people to click on it.