Don't click anything, don't give away your securitt phrase its a scam
sta8551580970 activity
sta8551580970 commented on You expect someone to read that?
I expect people to ask. "wen mex ser? " cause I still have patience left to explain?
sta8551580970 commented on Cei care au delegat peste cei 1250 ai tai au același reward ca și tine? Sau au reward ca orice delegare?
rewardul este impartit de retea pt toata lumea. providerii nu influenteaza cu nimic cine primeste >> toti primesc egal (din cadrul contractului // nu vorbim de cei din alt contract) un nod eligibil (cei 2500 egld) primeste 19% dobanda intr-un an daca in contract sunt mai mult de 2500, tot ce este peste 2500 primeste 14% si se numeste top-up asta nu inseamna ca primii 2500 primesc mai mult ce ceilalti // ex: daca avem 5000 de egld in nod , atunci rewardul este (2500*19% + 2500*14%) / 5000 se face media contractului si fiecare primeste rezultatul (evident in functie de cat egld are el in cei 5000)
sta8551580970 commented on Cei 1250 egld sunt adunați de la le sunt prin procesul de delegare clasic? Beneficiază de reward de validator sau delegator ?
cei 1250 trebuie sa ii ai deja intr-un wallet. de acolo se folosesc in functia de stake care o sa creeze un smart contract o data ce ai creat un smart contract, ceilalti pot sa delege eGLDul lor la smart contractul facut de tine de reward beneficiaza doar nodurile eligibile din ziua respectiva:
sta8551580970 commented on Do I need to create a new wallet on Maiar to access to MEX ?
https: //docs. maiar. exchange/ // take a read there first
sta8551580970 commented on Do I need to create a new wallet on Maiar to access to MEX ?
nope. no need for another wallet. you can use your mainnet maiar and the devnet will just coppy it for testing. your mainnet egld will be safe. you will use xEgld.
sta8551580970 commented on How can I access to MEX ?
right now is running on devnet not mainnet, so you can test it as much as you want. can use your maiar to sign or create a new wallet there. you get 10 xegld from faucet so you have enough to test
sta8551580970 commented on How can I access to MEX ?
i can paste links here, but remove the spaces: https: //devnet. maiar. exchange/
sta8551580970 commented on There’s a lot of scammers here, but what happen if they contact me ? I mean, what COULD happen ?
and why not on the channel to let everyone else know about them ?
sta8551580970 commented on There’s a lot of scammers here, but what happen if they contact me ? I mean, what COULD happen ?
when they contact you, just forward their message to @notoscam