3 Tzb424077955c/elrondTRADER 2years ago So , the point is that UTK is in talks for almost 3 years with 2 huge merchants , and none of them are / were Ebay or Amazon , correct ?
1 Tzb424077955c/elrondTRADER 2years ago How do you top up it ? We've seen 50bln top up within 6 days . Can you keep up with it ?
1 Tzb424077955c/elrondTRADER 2years ago You're funny lol . 800,000 egld from thin air , got a logical explanation for a non-paper handed guy ?
1 Tzb424077955c/elrondTRADER 2years ago 'Wen UTK and EGLD will add liquidity' ? Still thinking the Teams will add their tokens or just the users ?
1 Tzb424077955c/elrondTRADER 2years ago UTK didn't have much to offer until it was acquired by Elrond , why would you hold a token with no powerful utility ?
3 Tzb424077955c/elrondTRADER 2years ago What is your entry price ? Would you sell seeing this weekly chart ?
1 Tzb424077955c/elrondTRADER 2years ago Fk me if I got any patience to deal with you ! You still don't get it's not a token listing where the project brings liquidity ? You still don't get it that the USERS are the only bringing liquidity ?
1 Tzb424077955c/elrondTRADER 2years ago Bro , you again ? Is not enough you've been banned in there ? You want to get banned in here also ?
2 Tzb424077955c/elrondTRADER 2years ago Seriously , not joking . I understand is frustrating seeing all the ghost chains in front of us . . .but declaring war like this to each and one of them ?
2 Tzb424077955c/elrondTRADER 2years ago Anyone correct me if I am wrong , did Beni say that any upcoming project on Metabonding , will take 1 month to be listed from the moment is announced ?
1 Tzb424077955c/elrondTRADER 2years ago Quick qestion guys , is there any course I can take to learn how to dance in the rain ?
2 Tzb424077955c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago Paws, noticed you recommended the other day a Ledger Wallet for those holding higher amounts of EGLD . What is wrong with Maiar for instance ?