Da, e activ.
val8585505230 activity
val8585505230 commented on Werent we supposed to have UTK in this weeke metabonding as well?
It's coming up in a bit, the team is working on it as we speak.
val8585505230 commented on Cand pot “valorifica” mistery boxul?
Incepand de maine incepe priority mint-ul pentru participantii la loterie.
val8585505230 commented on When Elrond priority lottery can mint NFT ? Do I need to prepare more elrond to mint it ?
val8585505230 commented on Understand it is not fcfs for winning mystery box.. correct?
Please wait for additional information coming from the Cantina Royale team.
val8585505230 commented on Hi guys, I'm studying Elrond and have some questions. First, the Elrond team on the official website shows CEO, CTO, etc. My question is: how can a project be decentralized if it has Chiefs?
Full decentralization is a goal that we are aiming towards, but in order to grow into that a project needs a firm leadership who lays the groundwork.
val8585505230 commented on When i can swap on Maiar crt?
CRT swaps are not enabled at this time, you will be able to swap CRT on Maiar Exchange starting with the 21st
val8585505230 commented on Vom primi un link ?
Probabil vor veni mai multe informatii oficiale din partea celor de la Cantina. In cel mai rau caz o sa poti minta in perioada de public sale teoretic.
val8585505230 commented on Salutare, cum putem minta un nft daca am participat la loterie și nu am câștigat ?
val8585505230 commented on So does everyone who bought a mystery box win the mystery box as it wasn’t sold out?
What do you mean it wasn't sold out? There were 12k mystery boxes bought and only 5k Genesis Space Apes inside.
val8585505230 commented on So are the claims and the nft mystery boxes working fine now?
Yes, yesterday there was an issue with the hosting provider but everything was resolved since.
val8585505230 commented on Whitelist means just people from lottery?
No, whitelist means the lucky ones that won whitelist spots on discord/twitter giveaways ????
val8585505230 commented on Without paying extra egld, right?
If you mint during the Elrond Lottery Priority mint yes.
val8585505230 commented on Can you answer to this question @valistrk ?
It's not visible in Maiar, for now you only have an SFT in your wallet that will allow you to mint your Genesis Space Ape once minting starts.
val8585505230 commented on Can you answer to this question @valistrk ?
val8585505230 commented on hello, I won 1 ticket to the Cantina Royale lottery, I received in the wallet only the non-winning tickets, do I not receive the winning ticket?
Please dm me your wallet address so we can have a look.
val8585505230 commented on Hello, i have been sent here by cantina support, is there any admin online i could DM ?
Sure, go ahead.
val8585505230 commented on where I can find my UTK wallet adress in EGLD wallet tab?
Your Elrond UTK wallet addres is yourr EGLD wallet address.
val8585505230 commented on Hello @valistrk Any idea if the mystery box lottery is a no loss lottery like the other one??
Yes, it's a no loss lottery.
val8585505230 commented on Cit la suta din bilete s-au cumpărat?
Nu e o statistica facuta pe aceasta tema momentan.
val8585505230 commented on Salutare! Care e cea mai rapidă metodă de a cumpăra egld cu costuri minime?
E o campanie de 0 fees ongoing prin Ramp, poti cumpara prin Maiar app sau de pe buy.elrond.com
val8585505230 commented on Is it possible to set an automatic weekly buy on maiar app?
Unfortunately no, you can set a reminder and purchase manually though.
val8585505230 commented on Hi! What "Not in confirmation period" means?
Are you receiving this when trying to purchase tickets?
val8585505230 commented on Salut. Am dat adineauri swap din greseala din elg in cheker si s-a finalizat tranzactia si acum mi am dat seama si am vrut sa dau swap inapoi cheker egld si nu ma lasa. Aveti idee de ce?
Primesti vreo eroare sau de ce nu te lasa mai exact?
val8585505230 commented on In caz de câștig , ce beneficii aduce nft ul ??
val8585505230 commented on That's how is calculated? Didn't know that. At what time the final value will be known?
$51 is the final value.
val8585505230 commented on Hello i have a problem, my Maiar app its not refreshing , i cannot claim rewards from staking its not refresing my staking rewards sonce Last Week, its not apear that i have to update de app, my Pahone is not on batery saving , what happend ?
Hi there, can you please dm me a short video I can forward it to our devs?
val8585505230 commented on Salut! Daca s-a terminat snapshotul mai trebuie tinut la stake ?
Pastrarea EGLD la stake are anumite beneficii, precum recompensele pentru staking sau Metabonding. Pentru loteria Cantina Royale care urmeaza pe Maiar Launchpad nu mai e necesar sa pastrezi EGLD la stake.
val8585505230 commented on Salutare! Un city brake la Roma să cumpăr cu lkmex de unde pot?
O alta optiune pentru plati cu LKMEX este solutia celor de la ZoidPay
val8585505230 commented on is it not 50$ of egld per ticket already?
Tickets are 50$ worth of EGLD. The EGLD price is still to be determined.
val8585505230 commented on when the price in eglf for tickets will be announced?
It will be announced today before ticket purchasing starts. The hour was not announced yet.
val8585505230 commented on guys, for the launchapad today, when they start i can buy the tickets till 16th, or they can sold out?
You can buy until the 16th, your tickets can't be allocated to someone else.
val8585505230 commented on Put in egld to buy lottery tickets tomorrow, will this part of egld be frozen?
Can you rephrase the question, it's not very clear, unfortunately.
val8585505230 commented on Hey mods, is amount required to run a node still 2500 EGLD?
Yes, 2500 min required for running a validator node. For becoming a stacking provider you need 1250 to be yours and another min 1250 gathered from delegators.
val8585505230 commented on Hello, guys! Who can I discuss advertising offer for your project?
You can send an official proposal to contact@elrond.com and someone will get back to you.
val8585505230 commented on How so? It could be modular, and stipulated to likely change. There is a lot of the community asking about LKMEX uses (I personally like metabonding and think people are currently undervaluing LKMEX) - surely the team can show their direction?
I'm not saying this is a bad idea, but what's the point of drawing up a plan with projects and timeframes that are very likely to change? It would only create anticipation and expectations of something that is likely not to happen according to the plan, and fuel further frustration and dissatisfaction.
val8585505230 commented on My kyc was qccetped on 2 july and yesterday i was emeailed that the kyc is declined? Wtf?
On top of the KYC processed by our partner Synaps, the Cantina Royale team is responsible of conducting additional verifications to ensure compliance with the strictest Liechtenstein regulations. If your initial approval was overturned, unfortunately the additional verification was unsuccessful.
val8585505230 commented on Hello I have a question... if I unstake my egld now and restake it with a different delegator, will I continue receiving metabonding rewards?
There will be a 10-day unstaking period that will apply when you will be withdrawing your EGLD. You won't be receiving Metabonding or staking rewards during that period. Once you restake both rewards will resume.
val8585505230 commented on hello, i used revolut statement to confirm the address, but i got rejected. I always used revolut and worked. Does anybody know what can i do?
You can read the details here - https://maiarlaunchpad.com/kyc-guide/cantina-royale. You can also find a contact email there that you can use, hope it helps.
val8585505230 commented on I recently added some EGLD at staking but I don't see my staked EGLD updated and it is been already 10 minutes. What to do?
Hi there, please dm me your public address and we can have a look.
val8585505230 commented on Va salut , Pt mystery box ( dacă am kyc făcut) la cumpărarea tichetelor putem sa cumparam și box ul respectiv tot atunci ?
O sa poti cumpara mystery box odata ce cumpararea ticketelor e activata
val8585505230 commented on Eu unul am o problema cu proof of address. Aleg bank statement si mi se incarca o pagina alba iar singurul buton activ este Back. Cum naiba incarc extrasul de cont?
Imi poti trimite putin adresa de mail folosita pentru KYC in privat?
val8585505230 commented on Salutare vreau sa fac si eu KYC cu factura de la Enel si cand ajung la etapa unde trebuie sa pun factura imi arata o pagina alba ???? Aveti idee, de ce nu merge ?
Salut, imi poti trimite un mesaj privat cu mail-ul folosit?
val8585505230 commented on Why ban vietnam kyc?
The restrictions in certain countries are there because of local regulations. We really wish everyone, everywhere could participate, but unfortunately it is not up to us.
val8585505230 commented on If I grab some ERC20 Elrond, is there a definitive date that I need to convert it to native Elrond?
The bridge from ERC20 to native eGLD was meant to be closed since last November. It hasn't been closed and it can still be used at the moment but it is unknown for how long. Native Elrond offers more options though, like staking and farming, so there really is no incentive to use the ERC20 version.
val8585505230 commented on What is daily snapshot time for cantina royale Launchpad?
The daily snapshot time hasn't been disclosed by the team.