It's someone who once was me a long time ago )
vsu743704302 activity
vsu743704302 commented on Whats the plan with the billion ada tokens own by the fundation?
lots and lots of booze
vsu743704302 commented on really??? visa 55,000, eos 2,000, bitcoin 20, ada 17???
where does it say that bitcoin can do 20?
vsu743704302 commented on So each of our wallets are actually nodes in the network, just not producing blocks?
if it's Daedalus - yes
vsu743704302 commented on How many cardano nodes are currently running?
running, or producing blocks?
vsu743704302 commented on I'm not the brightest but can someone help me understand the implication of this? What are the benefits of having a native currency on the network? Wouldn't this conflict with ADA?
just means you don't need to write a smart-contract to create a token