3 Man8990660653c/avalanche_trading 2years ago Wait but what happened to people who were waiting forn10$?
1 Man8990660653c/avalanche_trading 2years ago So with every rate hike they somehow get more Debt right?
3 Man8990660653c/avalanche_trading 2years ago But if they keep hiking rates, it means more usd goes in circulation right? As they've to pay more to people having FDs?
2 Man8990660653c/avalanche_trading 2years ago Can someone explain this to me? How inflation in the USA is at record high levels but dxy keeps getting stronger? How tf does this work?
1 Man8990660653c/avalanche_trading 2years ago But don't i miss my yield on savax if it's staked with platypus?
1 Man8990660653c/avalanche_trading 2years ago Everyone was fearful when btc was at 30k and avax was at 30$ what's your point?
1 Man8990660653c/avalanche_trading 2years ago Why wouldn't you risk an easy 2x to save couple grands?
1 Man8990660653c/avalanche_trading 2years ago How do you expect crypto to pull off a reversal in between this crisis?
1 Man8990660653c/avalanche_trading 2years ago Maybe they're anticipating their gains and taking some fees and giving to users early?
2 Man8990660653c/avalanche_trading 2years ago You can always claim 1 eth for 1 stEth on mainnet launch no?
2 Man8990660653c/avalanche_trading 2years ago What if it keeps going up and all of your tokens are sold and futures get liquidated?
1 Man8990660653c/avalanche_trading 2years ago People are selling luna for pennies so they can show losses while filling taxes right?