Mot510183911 activity
Mot510183911 commented on What is the need or importance of Lucid dreaming ?
You will not get a straight answer i recommend you to read about the Tiberian sleep yoga and why they are doing it
Mot510183911 commented on Hi… is dreaming in advance something that happened 3 days after that dream counts as lucid dreaming?
Lucid dreaming is been aware that you are dreaming while dreaming
Mot510183911 commented on What's the difference between a method and a technique?
Hi Did you read the pinned presentation?
Mot510183911 commented on What's does he mean 3 ds here?
Share the source of this presentation please
Mot510183911 commented on Sleeping after meditation is the key ?
Meditation helps i dont have an answer for that, i am looking for this special recipe that can give me LD on demand and awareness i can tell you that you need to gain alot of experience in that strange world
Mot510183911 commented on Wow how great I just joined, can you help me?? What exercises do you do?
Hi Start with the pinned presentation Next try to pick one of the recommended books The three major exercises 1. Dream journal, mandatory, use it daily 2. MILD, you can find a lot of information in this group 3. You can try WBTB
Mot510183911 commented on Is there recommended mantrans to make projections / LDs?
Hi Look in the pinned presentation Under MILD
Mot510183911 commented on Do i what to check RC daily?
Ii can tell you what I am doing I do it daily whenever I remember And also try to connect the RC to dream signs
Mot510183911 commented on No LD yet?
I had many LD that been spontaneously DILD every couple of weeks/months I want to master it, to have LD on demand