3 Sah204639521 2years ago I don't know whats wrong with me....I haven't had any lucod dream from last 40+ days before I use to get at least one in 10-15 days but now I am not even experiencing any Hipnogic phase...the only thing I am good at is my dream recall its been more than 50days I did not skipped a single day without ... Read more
1 guest8760295234 2years ago So, I want to know should we change the tasks or expand final date to end of this month?
2 guest8760295234 2years ago Also give defination of some words like Alien. Usually alien means living beings (or non-living object) from outside of the Earth. But here I think here alien's meaning is different. Also what is the difference between spirit and soul. Aren't they are synonyms?
4 guest8512901382 2years ago Just finished reading this, do you have anymore study material in English?
1 guest320870635 2years ago Hey guys I have question what is difference between astral projection and lucid dreams ?
1 exp7871201992 2years ago wov what did you do when they were surprised And also, are the dream characters the ones we can create in our imagination or are they independent of our imagination?
1 gra8171047854 2years ago The RA.KE i tried that think before goto sleep and imagine what would be the dream.. But.. Thoughts came and said.. Ohh. Like that or that.!.. With him or her.. Where.? How to handle this?
3 liu680423933 2years ago I averagely sleep 8-9 hours per night. In order to set the alarm clock after for example 8 hrs, do i have to add the sleep latency (time needed to fall asleep, averagely 15 minutes) or not? For example, if i know i need 8 hrs, do i have to set the alarm clock after 8 hours and 15 minutes (sleep late... Read more
1 S9u4561083038 2years ago Question: Consciousness is indivisible timeless oneness, that is no thing and everything at the same time. It is the simultaneous fullness of all possibilities. Even the possibility of the absence of any possibility. So... how and why is it that it is just delusioned into separate, relative, concept... Read more
3 guest8760295234 2years ago That's his problem, not your. So everybody mind your own business. Can we talk about LD challenge?
1 S9u4561083038 2years ago Thank you Shaman (Franklin). I don't know what are such sick minds doing in you group?
1 guest8760295234 2years ago Oh, your name is in Hindi so I think you're India. Then where are you from?
3 S9u4561083038 2years ago If reality, I mean any reality is abstract dream-imagination that is co-ordinated as perception through our senses in different frequencies (any reality or perceptual dimension is a specific sort of frequency co-ordinaton), so then why is that in dreams, almost everything is possible, specially in t... Read more