2 Pas8828451067c/elrondTRADER 2years ago Any ideas where egld is headed have we reached a bottom or are we just dead cat bouncing still waiting for a bottom?
2 Pas8828451067c/elrondTRADER 2years ago Does the 145% locked utk/egld farm rewards happen automatically. Or do i have to leave the farmed rewards there without harvesting?
2 Pas8828451067c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago Whats the current situation? Do we know when the dex and utk staking will resume ?
1 Pas8828451067c/elrondTRADER 2years ago Is there a standard stake option that doesnt require a egld pair?
1 Pas8828451067c/elrondTRADER 2years ago Apart from being able to bridge utk what else will the bridge do ?
1 Pas8828451067c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago I have egld staked in maiar how do i get these tickets plz?
1 Pas8828451067c/elrondTRADER 3years ago Serious question... Can egld do a 100x not necessarily at one go but over time but not too long say 15 years?