i got the hash and changed string
Ran4707834277 activity
Ran4707834277 commented on how can i swap EGLD to USDC in Smart Contract via Maiar DEX?
where can i find the docs or codes?
Ran4707834277 commented on how can i change the struct data of SetMapper?
@iancudorinmarian can you help me>
Ran4707834277 commented on is 92e65a10fa6e3dcd208dba5012cc82209a8b2c5c5138fb3655904d6b49b5a02e valid or it should be 0x92e65a10fa6e3dcd208dba5012cc82209a8b2c5c5138fb3655904d6b49b5a02e?
Ran4707834277 commented on is this documented anywhere?
Ran4707834277 commented on is 92e65a10fa6e3dcd208dba5012cc82209a8b2c5c5138fb3655904d6b49b5a02e valid or it should be 0x92e65a10fa6e3dcd208dba5012cc82209a8b2c5c5138fb3655904d6b49b5a02e?