2 SrY7881514751 2years ago Does gas any implication in speed of tx? Can I modify the gas price and gas limit to perform faster?
1 uni8705517248 2years ago oh interesting, so the" esdtnftmulti transfer" is something built in platform/protocol?
1 uni8705517248 2years ago Martin, status update, i was able to figure out the issue. It seems a bit counter intuitive from other smart contracts I have interacted with thus far. (for others who may have the same question here is what I did) in the command i had to replace the contract call address with my own, when usuall... Read more
1 uni8705517248 2years ago Martin, i have an off topic question. Would you happen to know if there is an erdpy command that dumps all the argument inputs for a smart contract? Is there a way to find this out or view what arguments need to pass and in what order?
1 uni8705517248 2years ago i think i am transmitting the correct receiver address but i noticed that they are on different shards, the one that is successful is shard 1 and the one that fails is shard 2, does this matter?
1 and8964400729 2years ago https://code.visualstudio.com/blogs/2019/09/03/wsl2 Is this a good place to start?
1 mwf81318617 2years ago he wrote that publicly in the official group? You don't have multiple groups with the same name?
3 guest141536306 2years ago When someone when to search for this transaction does it need to iterate all blocks am I correct?
1 guest141536306 2years ago @mwfiae A quick question how a wallet during a construction of a transaction knows to set the block height field at which the transaction will included or someone else set this field?
1 lit4480422297 2years ago but you would need to deploy the SC still from with the pem file of a wallet address which will be the owner of nfts?
1 tan8067288948 2years ago Hey guys, i am trying to host my node api in MS IIS and i am getting this issue. Any idea?
1 rem8514600970 2years ago But I have a lot of missing transactions comparing with what appears in the explorer. I think the transactions coming from another contract are missing. Do you know why ?
1 mwf81318617 2years ago and you are sure that the package is installed? Double checked the right package.json and executed npm install in the right directory?
1 guest4570501873 2years ago self.deposit(&caller).clear(); this means that it will clear the value stored in deposit for &caller?
1 zen441950558 2years ago Hi, guys! I'm currently trying to reinstall erdpy to try to solve the fetch block build problem (the build gets stuck at the last step) and the wget command for erdpy-up.py gets stuck and I cannot go forward. Do you guys have any ideas how to fix it?
1 gab8355312836 2years ago Let's say user A connects to a dashboard where it should see all his owned nfts?
1 rem8514600970 2years ago Hello is there a way of getting all transactions to an account using the API ?
2 Zil8403943254 2years ago I want the user to sign the tx, but someone else to execute it. Is that possible?
2 Pie8375968201 2years ago Hi everybody ! Is there a way to get real time data price through a websocket for egld/usdc on Maiar ?
2 mwf81318617 2years ago Like claudio mentioned, this function is unusable for all maiar exchange pairs. And I'm still not sure why you would call it?
1 Jiz8430964238 2years ago Hi, quick question. Is it possible to query storage from another smart contract ?
1 zen441950558 2years ago That worked, thank you! Do you have any idea of how I can fix it so I can keep the check for the future?
2 zen441950558 2years ago Hi! I have a build problem, since I've made the windows 11 update my build gets stuck at fetch current epoch. Did anybody encounter this problem before or have an idea of where this could come from?
1 tan8067288948 2years ago Hi Everyone, Is there a way to sign my transaction programmatically using erdjs?
1 SrY7881514751 2years ago I mean, I receive bytes[] from all json (not only data), and decode to utf8 getting that json. And is that json who has the field of "data" in base64, so, could I transform that data (in base64) to struct (whatever it is) with that?
1 SrY7881514751 2years ago I'm back again. So, I think that I can do it getting bytes of b64 data field ("AqpyajTebJLkwy/wz8kgM4F...") and looking for "@" character to split and then decode with corresponding method, or isn't so easy?
2 SrY7881514751 2years ago I receive the byte[] array (with loop until get all bytes of message) var buffer = new ArraySegment(new byte[2048]); result = await ws.ReceiveAsync(buffer, CancellationToken.None); Then I get the utf8 string using var reader = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8); var message = await reader.... Read more