Not afaik
Sai8622814131 activity
Sai8622814131 commented on for exqmple who that friend was...or where it it was dream or OBE?
A dream im sure, but since i felt those vibrations and buzzing noises i got when i almost astral projected, i thought i was projecting
Sai8622814131 commented on hmm...then how did it sound? did they speak in words?
Like a made up language but it had structure
Sai8622814131 commented on do you sometimes go to psychedelic festivals or so?
Nope, but lately ive been seeing documentaries on psychedelics
Sai8622814131 commented on who was that other person?
Idk, maybe a friend, i dont remember, i remember there was someone with me on the platform, then we split up
Sai8622814131 commented on I'm loosing motivation for Lucid dreaming what should I do?
Maybe take a break? Or maybe do small things
Sai8622814131 commented on Man he's sexy, what a unique and funny way he explains things, i almost watched all of his youtube, did you find anyone similar to watts?
Idk i like eckhart tolle, ram dass, Duncan trussell(not a guru but a funny spiritual guy), and any Buddhist or taoism teaching, even hinduism