1 TGJ426205690c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago should I use an ApiNetworkProvider instead of a ProxyNetworkProvider ?
1 TGJ426205690c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Hello, for my app I need a way for the users to connect and sign/send transactions. I've looked/compiled/tried the sample dapp which use the core api already developped. this us fine if you app is using react however ny app doesn't (and won't) use react what should I do if I want to integrate the sa... Read more
1 TGJ426205690c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Hello, is there small/sample application that implement the various connection options simply using JS and html (not using react etc) ?
1 TGJ426205690c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago It's a joke? more problems? hey guys what about your credibility?
1 TGJ426205690c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago I saw, that (the elastic search), but I believe, it would oblige me to have (observer) nodes ... no ?