1 Ysn8706909236c/elrondTRADER 2years ago I dont care everyone, i am talking about the thing you wrote. How can you say someone pissed if they ask about mex 2.0 or top 30 thingy?
1 Ysn8706909236c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago Is it really expected though? Gas fees should cover it up no?
2 Ysn8706909236c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago What tomorrows stream will be about? Is it only second year celebration?
1 Ysn8706909236c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago 15/ - Implemented new token pricing mechanism for Maiar Exchange Is this for 3rd party token addings?
2 Ysn8706909236c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago So it is not blockchain wide but fund, assets wide. Asset creator can block any wallet using that asset?
2 Ysn8706909236c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago Doesnt that mean freezing funds and assets inside an account?
3 Ysn8706909236c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago Wrting was pretty good but the one thing i didnt understand is how team manage to get stolen funds back. Attacker is still not known, how funds gotten back if identity of the attacker still not known and team did not reach to attacker ? any one understand that ? @SeverMM any idea?
1 Ysn8706909236c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago Staking and metastaking???? what will be the difference anyone knows?
1 Ysn8706909236c/elrondTRADER 2years ago Come on guys, what did i said to be banned on the community group? I just said what i believed was it that offensive?
1 Ysn8706909236c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago How they gonna get those eglds back? How they are gonna separate cheap one and expensive one?
2 Ysn8706909236c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago There is no way to get back those eglds from the attackers wallet right?
2 Ysn8706909236c/elrondTRADER 2years ago Do we know if 800.000 egld worth usdc already leave the chain? If not than problem should be solvable right?
1 Ysn8706909236c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago Hey guys one question, on the utk 2.0 blog post it says “metabonding will last 2 years and starts in march if it is ready”. Metabonding has started already and AFAIK it will took 2 years. Does this mean we will get utk 2.0 for the previous snapshots or utk 2.0 metabonding will took 2 years from ... Read more
1 Ysn8706909236c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago Hi, some one send me some tokens with scam warning witch i do believe it is, what should i do with them is there a way to burn them?
3 Ysn8706909236c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago What is Maiar to you as of today? Except a fancy wallet with staking feature really?
1 Ysn8706909236c/elrondTRADER 4years ago that's why they will work interoperability later this year no?