Replying to myself ???? I fixed it by dapp.provider.sendTransaction(transaction) using instead of dapp.provider.signTransaction(transaction) when the login method is web wallet
abC8366822423 activity
abC8366822423 commented on oh boy, when will we see a new project ?
Legal work is holding us back sadly :D Started the paperwork to create a legal entity in Cyprus and then after MiCA the lawyers advised that it's better to do it in Lithuania or another country (forgot which one it was). It looks so easy for the projects that just 'yolo it' ????
abC8366822423 commented on and you ? when do you plan to rest a bit ?
Next year hopefully :D Working hard on the new products Finally found a new apartment (been looking for >1 year) a lot on my plate this year ????
abC8366822423 commented on Hmm, so...not Solana?
Not today ???? Wait for the hacker to dump the tokens first Oh, you were taking about "investing" in a blockchain, not in a project built on Elrond. My mistake!
abC8366822423 commented on I've been waiting to buy into a mainnet (BETA) project for a while, any suggestions?
abC8366822423 commented on any issue specific with it?
Hey @LucianMincu, Has there been any updates to Maiar DeFi extension? Login does not work anymore. I tried on Maiar Exchange, Jungle and my app and the result is the same :D
abC8366822423 commented on Hi! I am using async calls and rellying on a callback to revert changes in case the async call fails. Problem is if it fails because it's not enough gas I still get the main transaction as successful so no reverting is happening. How can I avoid this?
Hey, can't you check the remaining gas and sc_panic before the async call?
abC8366822423 commented on Salutare. Cine se ocupa cu sigla de la un token? Cât timp este de așteptat pana se aproba?
Unele proiecte asteapta de luni de zile :D Altele sunt approved in cateva ore/zile Nu exista un ETA standard
abC8366822423 commented on Hey developer's Is there any tool for auto restake daily?
Hey, What do you mean by tool? Auto stake what? There is nothing auto ???? any action has to be triggered by a transaction
abC8366822423 commented on Does the jungle dex require permission?
You need to contact the Elrond team if you want to enable the swaps
abC8366822423 commented on Makes sense to me :) You would then have to keep a strong centralized database to keep all the references to events and their respective SCs correct?
Yes, and you will have to upgrade all the SCs when a new major version is released (only had to do that once up until now but still, I would not want to have to upgrade 10 - 20 -30 SCs) I'm also in favor of the idea of just one smart contract for all the events. We are building a few as-a-service products (staking, token distribution, etc) and we are using the same aproach, one contract to manage all the pools.
abC8366822423 commented on They have examples for ticketing?
What do you mean by ticketing? You can achieve it in a lot of ways ???? Consider an esdt is a ticket Consider a meta esdt is a ticket Consider an nft is a ticket Depends on the use-case, and that’s for you to decide
abC8366822423 commented on Și nu-i văd nicăieri chiar dacă sunt locked ?
elrond explorer, posibil sa apara si in maiar exchange
abC8366822423 commented on Am și eu o întrebare , am vândut crt Tranzacție reușită , dar nu mi apare egld ul in portofel .! Dece??
Pentru ca ai primit locked EGLD
abC8366822423 commented on Și eu ca utilizator unde fac swap?
Ai 2 optiuni: 1. Construiesti, Semnezi si Trimiti tu tranzactia catre smart contract 2. Folosesti interfata grafica ca sa faca totul pentru tine si tu doar semnezi tranzactia.
abC8366822423 commented on Unde găsesc un curs ceva, cum se poate face ?
Vezi documentatia elrond :D Mai exact: Signing and sending transactions Scriu aici si asta, sa nu mai dau reply la inca un mesaj: Nu este ilegal sa folosesti un bot! Ar fi absurd ca in ziua de azi, cand totul se automatizeaza, sa fie ilegal sa folosesti boti. Nu trebuie ca noi, cei care stim sa automatizam, sa facem totul manual doar pentru ca nu stie toata lumea sa trimita o tranzactie catre blockchain fara sa foloseasca interfata grafica. Blockchain-ul e public, toata lumea are acces la aceleasi resurse, trebuie doar sa vrei sa inveti cum sa le folosesti. E ca si cum ai zice: Toata lumea sa mearga pe jos, ca nu au toti masina/avion/elicopter :)
abC8366822423 commented on Salut, în Metabonding dacă nu dai Claim în fiecare săptămână se șterge ce ai primit din urma?
Nope, termenul limita pentru claim este de 4 saptamani, deci poti sa le lasi sa se adune timp de 4 satamani daca vrei
abC8366822423 commented on It works now, but my gas calculation to send two separate tokens was 2,269,000 but it only consumed 669,000 (Devnet). Is that normal? Can the gas for this type of transfer vary that much?
From my understanding, the gas fee is constant for each operation type, so a token transfer should cost the same each time (unless the fee changes).
abC8366822423 commented on Pe 21 va fi un preț final sau mai urmează și altceva ?
Pretul de listare il vom sti in 20, la 16:00 UTC. Poti sa vezi timeline-ul pe website sau in acest post:
abC8366822423 commented on Pe 21 cât va fi prețul la CRT la swap?
Asta se urmareste cu procesul de price discovery (PD), nu? Nu avem de unde sa stim inainte! ???? Pretul va fi stabilit in functie de cantitatea de eGLD si CRT adaugata la PD
abC8366822423 commented on CRT se poate lua de undeva ?? Ca pe exchange maiar nu am văzut?
In 21 se da enable la swaps pe Maiar Exchange! Pana atunci poti sa cumperi doar de pe P2P Markets
abC8366822423 commented on de ce ai cumpara de pe p2p la 0,8 dcaa in pd ii 0,6 ?
Au cumparat inainte! S-a vandut timp de 2-2.5 saptamani pe P2P markets inainte sa inceapa price discovery
abC8366822423 commented on just import elrond wallet then transfer? is it security for my wallet?
You cannot import wallets on our app. Just log in with Maiar App or Maiar DeFi Extension
abC8366822423 commented on I think so right @abCryptoDev ?
Yes, you can use it to transfer any ESDT or EGLD to any erd... address!
abC8366822423 commented on Pai cum ii pot folosi?
Daca vrei sa ii trimiti cuiva, poti sa o faci prin ESDT Market. Avem un tool de send tokens Sau Elrond Web Wallet, cum zice Axel
abC8366822423 commented on Întrebarea mea este. E obligatoriu ca să punem tokenii toți la price Discovery?
Nu este obligatoriu. Poti sa faci ce vrei cu ei
abC8366822423 commented on ok i see thanks and how i can extract the hexacode from a SC ?
You have the code tab in the explorer
abC8366822423 commented on hi guys, someone can explain me how i can extract the code from a smart contract ?
Hey, You'll never be able to get readable Rust code from compiled wasm if that's what you're asking. You might be able to get something, but don't expect something you can figure out what it does. Some steps shared by @neylaur here: 1. Convert copied hexa code to binary file: 2. Convert binary wasm file to wat 3. Convert wat to C
abC8366822423 commented on from which library can i import useTrackTransactionStatus?
import {transactionServices} from @elrondnetwork/dapp-core;
abC8366822423 commented on hi, Alexandru i started from that file. i tried to know when the transaction get succeed. for knowing that time, i tried to use transactionwatcher. do u have example of transactionwatcher src?
const transactionStatus = useTrackTransactionStatus({ transactionId: sessionId, onSuccess, onFail, onCancelled, });
abC8366822423 commented on what is the link to the platform?
It's not launched yet but I can share it with you :D Not connected to the smart contract yet
abC8366822423 commented on Hi everyone, do you have any documentation about how to set up a smart contract that any user can interact with and claim free ESDT tokens (like a reward) and without being the smart contract owner?
Hi, You can have a look at the Token Release smart contract example.
abC8366822423 commented on Salutare.Dacă cumpar și tichet pt mistery și câștig primesc automat tichet crt?
Biletul pentru tokens il primesti oricum, doar ca nu este sigur ca va fi castigator :) Adica nu primesti si tokens automat daca vei avea bilet castigator pentru NFT, sunt 2 chestii diferite
abC8366822423 commented on Vreau sa scriu un articol informativ despre Elrond. Gasesc undeva logo-uri si imaginicu Elrond care pot fi folosite gratuit?
Pe site-ul elron, la media kit ar trebui sa gasesti
abC8366822423 commented on Pai si la misterioasa cutie primesti garantat un nft sau tot asa dupa noroc?
Nu e garantat, e loterie si acolo
abC8366822423 commented on Hi, who should I contact for cex listing and marketing cooperation?
Probably no one :D
abC8366822423 commented on Bună este rolul NFT Elrond ads !?
Cineva s-a gandit ca este cazul sa schimbam si modul in care facem reclama, sa la aducem facem upgrade la web3, asa ca au creat NFT-uri cu ajutorul carora sa plaseze reclamele direct la tine in portofel. Partea smechera e ca nu ai nici buton de close/skip :D -- adica nu poti sa scapi de ele decat in cazuri speciale
abC8366822423 commented on That's interesting. So are you saying that it can't be sent to the standard burn wallet?
It can only be sent to the addresses that are configured by the token's owner. That's how the transferRole works :D I create a token and I allow only 1 address to be able to receive it (unless the sender is an address from the whitelist)
abC8366822423 commented on What is Maiar app 2 ?
A new version of Maiar App. In software development we add a version to products: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3.1, 2.0, 2.1.17, etc :D Ususally, when the first number changes, it's considered a major change to the product
abC8366822423 commented on Where can i stake to get that 22% staking reward?
I think that’s for validators. Highest APR I’ve seen for delegators is 13-14%
abC8366822423 commented on Si pentru noi cei ce nu intelegem engleza ??? Noi nu contam ????
Exista functie de traducere implementata direct in browser :)