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abC8366822423 activity

abC8366822423 commented on Makes sense to me :) You would then have to keep a strong centralized database to keep all the references to events and their respective SCs correct?

Yes, and you will have to upgrade all the SCs when a new major version is released (only had to do that once up until now but still, I would not want to have to upgrade 10 - 20 -30 SCs) I'm also in favor of the idea of just one smart contract for all the events. We are building a few as-a-service products (staking, token distribution, etc) and we are using the same aproach, one contract to manage all the pools.

abC8366822423 commented on Unde găsesc un curs ceva, cum se poate face ?

Vezi documentatia elrond :D Mai exact: Signing and sending transactions Scriu aici si asta, sa nu mai dau reply la inca un mesaj: Nu este ilegal sa folosesti un bot! Ar fi absurd ca in ziua de azi, cand totul se automatizeaza, sa fie ilegal sa folosesti boti. Nu trebuie ca noi, cei care stim sa automatizam, sa facem totul manual doar pentru ca nu stie toata lumea sa trimita o tranzactie catre blockchain fara sa foloseasca interfata grafica. Blockchain-ul e public, toata lumea are acces la aceleasi resurse, trebuie doar sa vrei sa inveti cum sa le folosesti. E ca si cum ai zice: Toata lumea sa mearga pe jos, ca nu au toti masina/avion/elicopter :)

abC8366822423 commented on hi guys, someone can explain me how i can extract the code from a smart contract ?

Hey, You'll never be able to get readable Rust code from compiled wasm if that's what you're asking. You might be able to get something, but don't expect something you can figure out what it does. Some steps shared by @neylaur here: 1. Convert copied hexa code to binary file: 2. Convert binary wasm file to wat https://webassembly.github.io/wabt/demo/wasm2wat/ 3. Convert wat to C https://github.com/WebAssembly/wabt/releases/tag/1.0.24