It existed in the past, as well (in erdjs prior v10). There should be a way to configure the global variables in webpack, so that we do not apply globals-related logic in the erdjs libraries. I will let you know if I find a workaround in the meantime. However, hacking the libraries for webpack's sake should only be a last resort ?
and076307876 activity
and076307876 commented on Thank you so much for the detail Information and point me to the Code!? Do you think it will be helpful if we add it to ErdJs by native?
You are welcome! Added to the list :)
and076307876 commented on Thank you for your answer?I experiment with the Governance Module where the arguments can be number and string in JS. It is this Part of the Action struct: "pub arguments: ManagedVec>"
I would like to avoid the Explicit way. Is that possible? Could the ErdJs detect that it is a ... Read more
It is (somehow) possible to convert a number to a buffer (big-endian or little-endian) - using standard Buffer functionality (no erdjs involved). After that, you should be able to use the buffer as an argument to your function (without the explicit format). For example: erdjs is not able to convert from number to bytes, at this point:
and076307876 commented on checking in python console using help("erdpy") and there is not shown the package accounts_repository what am I missing?
It's possible that you have an older erdpy installed via pip. pip3 show erdpy
and076307876 commented on Hey! in erdjs@10.1.0 the contract wrappers were moved to a separate repository. But that's not an npm package (yet?). How can I use them right now?
Hello! If you need to use the contract wrappers, you can do so by referencing an older erdjs (9x).
and076307876 commented on anyone can tell how decode the nfts attribute with erdjs ?
Currently, the erdjs cookbook does not include an example for decoding nft attributes. We will add an example soon, though. Thank you ?
and076307876 commented on Hello, i get an internal_issue when calling that endpoint : input : output : {"error":"database connection is disabled","code":"internal_issue"} Documentation sais : "Currently, this ... Read more
We can address this tomorrow. If we do not come back with a reply, please ping us again. Thanks!
and076307876 commented on Hi guys, I'm trying to follow the IDE presentation and tutorial example on youtube with the crowdfunding-egld template. Everything goes well until right clicking on testnet.toml to Start Fresh Testnet when my console gets stuck at: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './seednode'... Read more
Hello! If you are using a Mac, do you think you can start the devnet as described below? This, until we release the fixes (already implemented).