and8484000909 activity
and8484000909 commented on Hm, didn't even know about the data.elrond.com api. Is there a swagger doc somewhere, or available for devnet/testnet?
To see the most interesting endpoints, you can access: https://growth.elrond.com/ and in the Network tab filter by data.elrond.
and8484000909 commented on What is your balance on battleofyields?
I wasn't in top 2000 with 5000+$.
and8484000909 commented on Thx! Can i check my rank live somewhere?
and8484000909 commented on Let say I have total 1000 Mex to be claimed from the snapshot. So I will receive 100 Mex AFTER the Dex launch for 30 days , correct ? Then, AFTER the dex launch for 180 days (6 months), I will start receiving the balance Mex every month at 15% for the next 6 months. Is this correct ?
There is a good image, but I can't add it here ... Add the following path (after removing the spaces) after twitter(.)com: / ElrondWarriors / status / 1409506659765002240