2 anf8817433802c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago Hello. Can you get your seed phrase from the pem file? or somehow get it imported in the extension?
1 anf8817433802c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Hey guys. What happens if a sc call by another sc call that panics after changing the state of first sc? Does it rollback to the state previous to the call?
3 anf8817433802c/ElrondNetwork_ro 2years ago Adica ipoteza e ca el, de buna voie, a inapoiat monedele?
1 anf8817433802c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Can someone explain in more info how the attack on flip coins was done, so we can educate ourselves on how that works? How can you simulate the transaction before you send it?
1 anf8817433802c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Hello. Quick question, how are the calls to sc executed? Async or sequential? For example, let's say I have the adder sc, if 2 calls leave at the same time, they read the storage of the sum and adds 1, how is the reading done? And what value do I have in the end?