salut, poti sa incerci un pull to refresh pe screen-ul de Wallet?
bco532146188 activity
bco532146188 commented on De cand e posibil asta ?
De la inceput. In maiar eth e nativ pe blockchain-ul ethereum.
bco532146188 commented on Salut, daca vreau sa transfer eth din binance in maiar, aleg reteaua erc20?
ETH se poate transfera direct din binance in maiar prin reteaua erc-20.
bco532146188 commented on Salutare...vreau sa trimit niste btc din maiar si imi da transaction de fee pot trimite egld...a mai patit cineva?
Salutare. problema a fost reparata. ar trebui sa poti trimit BTC acum din Maiar
bco532146188 commented on Morning guys, we have a few questions: On the Maiar app, where the keys are saved: - When does the user put in the cloud? - When it does not put in the cloud how are the keys saved? - And is there a Doc for key management?
The keys are always saved locally encrypted in the keychain. In the cloud a backup of the keys is saved, when the user choose so. There is no public doc for key management. For security reasons, we kept the encryption algorithms private.
bco532146188 commented on hello guys ! I’m looking for a way to find all addresses who stacked on a validator node. I can’t find this in Do you have any guess ?
We will have an endpoint in delegation api. It is on devnet/testnet for now. There is also a new index in elastic search which stores pairs of addresses and staking providers: You can use this one to make a query for a specific provider.
bco532146188 commented on Is there a testnet/devnet version of ?
bco532146188 commented on I come back with the question, Is this request for Maiar signature via WalletConnect correct?
Please DM me. I will check what’s the json structure we expect in the apps. But I am not at my laptop right now.
bco532146188 commented on Ah, tare. Mie îmi apare că am un pending referral de primit, dar lui nu-i apare că are de primit cei 10$ in plus in egld. Presupun că îi va primi tot așa la o săptămână cândva?
El primeste acel cashback reward doar daca a cumparat de $200 in primele 30 de zile dupa ce s-a inregistrat in app.
bco532146188 commented on Updateul este facut la zi, a mai patit cineva asa cand acceseaza maiar pe ios?
Poti sa imi dai mai multe detalii?