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bog8304552146 activity

bog8304552146 commented on I'm a bit confused by what you wrote ? How exactly does your first struct look like?

These is the entire set #[derive(TypeAbi, TopEncode, TopDecode, ManagedVecItem, NestedEncode, NestedDecode)] pub struct VariableContractSettings { pub token_id: TokenIdentifier, pub min_amount: BigUint, pub pull_items: ManagedVec>, } #[derive(TypeAbi, TopEncode, TopDecode, ManagedVecItem, NestedEncode, NestedDecode)] pub struct Pull { pub id: u32, pub locking_time_span: u64, pub apy_configuration: ManagedVec, } #[derive(TypeAbi, TopEncode, TopDecode, ManagedVecItem, NestedEncode, NestedDecode)] pub struct ApyConfiguration { pub id: u32, pub apy: u64, pub start_timestamp: u64, pub end_timestamp: u64, }