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cla8847037870 activity

cla8847037870 commented on Yes but not only. I'm also intrested in knowing how you can transfer part of your MEXStakedLK and the recever when it unstakes them it receives the coresponding quanteties of LKMEX ?

MEXStakedLK is just an MetaESDT that has some attributes which describes what tokens are used as farming tokens. Sending them to another address would also imply that attributes are the same thus, the receiver will be able to receive the same farming tokens back when the farm tokens are sent for exit

cla8847037870 commented on Hi guys, how can I find out the identifier of a particular token? [CONTEXT] I need it in order to find out the price of a token and for that I am using this api: https://api.elrond.com/mex-pairs/{baseId}/{quoteId}. Now, the issue is that I need the id based on the network config (dev-net, main-net... Read more

I would strongly recommend you to use the Maiar Exchange API for this type of queries. If you want to get tokens listed on Maiar Exchange you can use the "pairs" query and get all pairs and then extract all the unique tokens from there.