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guest375996917 activity
guest375996917 commented on Timeout is in milliseconds. Did you put more than 30000 there?
i know it is in milliseconds but.. default is 4000 so 4s so all my transactions should timeout
guest375996917 commented on can someone help me with dapp-core? how to set transaction timeout?
Ok im doing it differently. I pay 1 egld to whoever helps me with this issue
guest375996917 commented on @iancudorinmarian is this possible?
i already filed an issue yesterday on github
guest375996917 commented on Maybe, but even if SC called are disabled, there is method that you just discovered allowing a SC to call another SC pretending to be a user. Instead of just qualifying "bad code", you can just warn devs of this possibility ?
indeed. and also speaking about bad quality code, what do you think about the attacker is hiding his money stolen from all the projects in plain sight?
guest375996917 commented on and for 3d array of 25 values like arr[0] = [1,...2,.....25] arr[1] = [1,....2,....25] etc. what u think is the best way to store this?
@iancudorinmarian pretty please