1 guest530963590c/Cardano 2years ago can someone eli5 pledge? i always read about how much skin in the game a pool operator has...but what happens if the pledge is higher or lower, does it have advantages/disadvantages for the operator?
0 guest530963590c/Cardano 2years ago without starting a political debate, but do you think that governments (like in canada) can "ban" crypto to that extent that fiat->crypto and crypto->fiat are hard to execute?
2 guest530963590c/Cardano 3years ago Does anyone here use ccwallet for ada?It is a community based wallet and i am aware that it isn't an IOG or Emurgo wallet.But i just want to hear if someone has experience with it.Currently i am using yoroi + ledger but it is getting worse with yoroi since Sebastien left.Ccwallet has an option to re... Read more
2 guest530963590c/Cardano 3years ago two questions:can i vote for more projects from a single wallet and does more ada mean better chances for the project i voted for?