yeah, i get that, but how do they turn that into cash if physical exchanges, banks paying out in fiat, atms etc aren't allowed
guest530963590 activity
guest530963590 commented on Peace New here, how’s it going?
good,mostly waiting for my ispos to start yielding ?
guest530963590 commented on thinking about migrating to a new laptop, i have daedalus w wallet tied to stake — any issues uninstalling this and reloading fresh on new laptop?
i wouldn't unistall it right away on the old laptop if you are paranoid...but like said above,you just need your seed phrase and you're could also use yoroi (my personal preference)
guest530963590 commented on do you guys have any interessant films about cardano?
the return of is a great movie about ada going back into the top ten.i didn't like the sequel since it is unrealistic