1 guest7871305531c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Does anyone have a gun so I can shoot that friggin bear in the balls?
4 guest7871305531c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Do we have an estimate of how close DUSK is to being finished? Like 50 % or 80 % or????
3 guest7871305531c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago Do you not have to type a phone number with the browser extension?
2 guest7871305531c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago I mean, I don't need to confirm anything when using Metamask or Yoroi wallet. Why are they collecting phone numbers?
2 guest7871305531c/ElrondNetwork 2years ago Yes for the phone. No desktop wallet. And the one for the phone people have to confirm their phone number. Not decentralized at all. Some centralized entity wants my phone number. Why?
1 guest7871305531c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Is mainnet supposed to come this year or next year or 2024?
1 guest7871305531c/DuskNetwork 2years ago Wow. What just happened? Has there been some extremely positive news?
2 guest7871305531c/DuskNetwork 2years ago As far as I understand Dusk will not use a trusted execution environment and that is a good thing due to some kind of problem with TEEs. But what exactly is the problem? Do you know where I can read about that?