3 guest8296696656c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Hi guys ! My endpoint should returns multiple elements, but I always got only one. My view is returning a MultiValueEncoded with multiple elements. I am calling my view with /vm-values/query. Should I use another gateway endpoint for MultiValueEncoded view ?
1 guest8296696656c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Any ideas how I could fix ErrApiProviderGet [Error]: Cannot GET transaction/send: [Error: socket hang up] error in erdjs please?
1 guest8296696656c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago How could I know if blocks are full? is a block is full when the gas used is at 100% maybe?
1 guest8296696656c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Finally, it is calculted. But after 5 minutes. Why did I get a delay like that?
0 guest8296696656c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Why would you do this? It might increase a lot the gas fees. I tried using string and allocation and my fees was increased from $0.1 to $1.00. b"my bytes" doesn't work for you?
0 guest8296696656c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Hey guys, I am driving crazy. I don't understand why my extension is blank. I can't also sign my transaction in Maiar, nor on the WebWallet. I am using the dapp-template@0.2.0. Did you have any idea how to fix it pleeeeease?
1 guest8296696656c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Chain Connect is asking for my 24 words, that is not normal ?
1 guest8296696656c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Hey guys ! In a blockchain_wrapper.execute_esdt_transfer what is the nonce of eGLD please ?