1 lsi168175263c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Well definitely if you always know the key then it’s obvious but if you need to search through it… But let me ask you, in an events list would be any benefit to store the list of all tickets issued for a particular event on the contract?
1 lsi168175263c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago So what would be the best option and where would you store it? Outside of the blockchain/contract?
1 lsi168175263c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago If a ContractFactory holds a list of items that its generating is it ok for that array to be massive? Millions size etc? What are the recommendations?
1 lsi168175263c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago So considering that of sharding is it still better to have a factory?
2 lsi168175263c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Makes sense to me :) You would then have to keep a strong centralized database to keep all the references to events and their respective SCs correct?
1 lsi168175263c/ElrondDevelopers 2years ago Team, if the objective is to manage tickets for events. Is it better to build a single contract EventFactory that can generate NFTs for each of the events or just release a contract per event and manage all contracts addresses outside?
1 lsi168175263c/ElrondNetwork 3years ago Hey There! Any one knows what time starts the farming on the DEX?
1 lsi168175263c/ElrondDevelopers 3years ago Guys if I am building a mobile dApp how am I supposed to interact with web3 libraries?