Pinching Nose and Breathing is the best RC. It always work
guest8760295234 activity
guest8760295234 commented on I don't know whats wrong with me....I haven't had any lucod dream from last 40+ days before I use to get at least one in 10-15 days but now I am not even experiencing any Hipnogic phase...the only thing I am good at is my dream recall its been more than 50days I did not skipped a single day without ... Read more
What time do you sleep?
guest8760295234 commented on Then what are the conditions?
I think it's somehow related to Circadian Rhythm
guest8760295234 commented on Hey guys I have question what is difference between astral projection and lucid dreams ?
Lucid dream is simply a dream where you know that you're dreaming. And you may have some sort of dream controlling ability. On the other hand, it is believed that in Astral Projection or Astral Travel, your astral body/soul could separate from the body and travel physical world a well as astral world or different realms. But we don't have any solid proof if AP is real.
guest8760295234 commented on wov what did you do when they were surprised And also, are the dream characters the ones we can create in our imagination or are they independent of our imagination?
Dream characters are still an interesting topic. There are a lot of varity in dream characters' personality, awareness and intelligence. Mostly DC are like Vice City game NPC. They don't do anything special, they are like just for decoration. But some DC act like they are alive. These qualities are found in both kind of DC, first we create by our own and second dream creates DC.
guest8760295234 commented on How many hours do we need to sleep to lucid dream?
You have to take 6-8 hours sleep, so that your body won't remain tired. But you can have LD after 2 or 3 hours sleep. So you can have LD in 4 hours sleep too.
guest8760295234 commented on The RA.KE i tried that think before goto sleep and imagine what would be the dream.. But.. Thoughts came and said.. Ohh. Like that or that.!.. With him or her.. Where.? How to handle this?
Decide first what place, person, situation etc do you want to see in dream. And if there is something you can't decide then just go with whatever dream shows.
guest8760295234 commented on Lucid Dreaming challenge through drugs?
No. In LD challenge we decide a task we have to do in LD. For example creating a new place, look yourself in mirror or enter in mirror world, asking something to dream characters etc
guest8760295234 commented on Hello to all the dreamers ???? Question to the parents amongst us, What age did you, or you think it is appropriate to start introducing your kids to lucid dreaming practice? I have a 3 year old who starts sharing her dreams with me in the morning and we draw a picture of it. At night befor be... Read more
I think you are doing it right. Because you're not saying her to control dreams or something. Motivating her to recalling dream and then drawing them as a dream journal is good start
guest8760295234 commented on What's inception have to do with gun laws in America?
No I mean Gun law also a reason of this kind of dream, I guess
guest8760295234 commented on Do you hide your LD practices and dream journal from someone?
Not really. Because no one is interesting here in my dreams
guest8760295234 commented on well some people think many dreams are inspired by computer games and TV programs and you believe that too?
Yes. Dreams can be inspired by games, movies and tv programs, books etc. Whatever we do or watch IRL, inspires dreams
guest8760295234 commented on Can we make lucid dreaming an automatic habit by practicing ?
Yes, but there is kinda drawback of becoming LD a habit. You know that when an action becomes our habit we start to do it subconsciously without being fully aware of it.
guest8760295234 commented on Btw what make you to don't believe on these things?
What make you to believe in these things?
guest8760295234 commented on And what technique or method you used to see the future?
I became lucid and I asked to show me what would happen that day. I saw that it would be rain. But irl there was no rain next two month
guest8760295234 commented on bookshelfs maybe? someone in your family has an office room or something like that? where are these black cupboards? in your family home or somewhere else?
It's not necessary that we always have dreams about real life. We also see things we see in movies or video games and read in books
guest8760295234 commented on How many dreams of codm u had?
I think playing Multiplayer mode didn't help me in getting any new experience, except distorted maps locations. But Battleroyal and Zombie mode really gave me good dream experience
guest8760295234 commented on Hey guys! Did anyone try to communicate with the subconscious mind during a LD?
I didn't find any good reason to communicate with the subconscious mind. What would you ask to your subconscious?
guest8760295234 commented on Does changing bed lower dream recall and lucidity?
Everything depends on your sleep quality. If you get good sleep on new bed, then you won't have any problem in dream recalling and lucidity
guest8760295234 commented on So why specify that living creatures have souls.... When literally EVERYTHING does?
Yeah, then everyone non livings also should have souls
guest8760295234 commented on Okay, does it never bothered you how you call you body "your" Instead of i?
Okay so tell me where is actually car in a car?
guest8760295234 commented on Does social Media reduces chances of Lucidity!?
Depends on how do you use it?
guest8760295234 commented on Does binaural beats good to increase the chances of lucidity ?
Well that's depends on person to person. I personally don't like binaural beats. I prefer instrumental music. But you can give it a try. Maybe it will work for you
guest8760295234 commented on Due to change in sleep, I am not having any lucid dream since four to five months, is there any solution?
You mentioned the problem 'change in sleep'. And I'm sure you also know the solution of it, don't you?
guest8760295234 commented on How to set the ultimate intention for Lucid dreaming?
If you are asking how to set intention, then it definitely means you are not intended to LD. So whatever advice you'll follow, you will do it forcefully. And I don't think it will help in LD
guest8760295234 commented on Do dreams affect our real lae ?
If you don't worry about dreams too much then no
guest8760295234 commented on So.i used to dream.a lot about animals....not i don't.. Now its all is there any meaning?
What did you do or watch back then, when you used to have animals dream?
guest8760295234 commented on Best Affirmation to Achieve Lucid Dream ?
There isn't any best affirmation
guest8760295234 commented on Have you ever achieved anything with the help of Lucid Dream?
And did I achieved something by LD? Well I didn't use it for achieving something. I learnt LD just for fun
guest8760295234 commented on Have you ever achieved anything with the help of Lucid Dream?
I think you have watched over exaggerated LD videos
guest8760295234 commented on Can I increase IQ level and body health by going to Lucid Dream?
Only by using LD, then no. You have to put much more efforts IRL to increase IW and health
guest8760295234 commented on Hello ?, are there any Lucid dreaming certification courses?
Certification? I don't know about certification courses
guest8760295234 commented on Can you, by will, enter into a dream?
No. But there are a lot of things that happens subconsciously without our will
guest8760295234 commented on Can you explain, how you enter from this world to other world? Do you do it by your will? Do you sleep by your will or you just get into sleep without your knowing?
Not by will, but sometimes I'm aware when dream starts
guest8760295234 commented on Guys what would you do if you realized you were dreaming while you were busy helping someone with something? This is a recurring problem for me when I become lucid, which isn't more than once a month. Like, last night I was helping this foreign woman out with a research project about Obama and Coca... Read more
Do whatever you want
guest8760295234 commented on Can I change my mentality/personality with lucid dreaming?
LD alone may not work. You have to try irl too.
guest8760295234 commented on How would you identify if I'm saying the truth or bluffing?
Just tell. It's my problem to find out if you're saying truth or not
guest8760295234 commented on Why are you atheist? How do you know that God doesn't exist?
Well nobody knows if God exists or not. But there isn't any evidence of God, so it's good to not believe in God.
guest8760295234 commented on I didnt mean that all children below twelve have past life memories, but that there are reports of children who have past life memories and that they seemingly often lose those memories later when they grow up...I also don't "believe" in rebirth as a religious concept...but if there are such reports... Read more
Well, there have been so many claims of rebirth in India. Some child claimed that they knew their past life. But funny thing is that they all were Indian in their past life. And has some relation between the family of the children and the family children claimed their past life family